
Do you ever take the time to stop and look around you? To hear the birds? To see the tears? To just absorb? try it once in a while. Everything in this blog is what I absorb. What I notice. What I step back from the crowd to observe. Try it. See where you get.

Friday, 9 May 2008

War of Lies

This piece of poetry, was based around the thought of Iraq, although there is no specific reference. It is a part of the war poetry series I wrote. It also, happens to be another 2 o' clock in the morning piece of writing. Writing, I find, is so much more easier in those tranquil (usually) hours in the morning. Without further adieu, the "War of Lies."

They say that war is glorious.
That I can’t believe.
Since when has violent bloodshed,
Done more than make us grieve?

They say I’m just a coward
A vile lowly skive.
Well, a coward I may be
But at least I’m still alive.

They say that war is needed
It keeps us on our toes.

Is this the only thing we can do?
Battle so-called ‘foes’?

War is neither needed,
Nor joyous in any way.
The only thing it can do,
Is make this planet pay.

You may say I’m a coward
That there is fighting to be done
But let me ask you this –

Where are all these ‘leaders?
until the war is won?

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